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Figure 2. The size, shape, blush color, and clingstone of ‘CaroRes Delight’ fruit.

The Clemson University Peach Breeding Program (CUPBP) has developed and released new and improved early season peach cultivars that have a high tolerance to bacterial spot disease. These cultivars can considerably contribute to production sustainability in Alabama and the Southeast. Some of the released cultivars were simultaneously tested in Alabama conditions as advanced selections. In previous reports, Auburn University researchers presented information on seasonal phenology, productivity, and fruit quality attributes of ‘EveRes Ruby’ (USPP applied for) and ‘CaroRes Wonder’ (USPP 36,072) cultivars grown in central Alabama. Plant material from ‘CaroRes Delight’ (USPP applied for) was introduced in 2019 and studied as advanced selection ‘SC-9’ at the Chilton Research and Extension Center in Clanton, Alabama.

The blooming period of ‘CaroRes Delight’ is from early- to mid-March at the experiment site. This cultivar has a high-bloom density and showy flowers (figure 1). ‘CaroRes Delight’ requires 800 chilling hours to break dormancy.

The fruit of ‘CaroRes Delight’ ripens from the end of May to the beginning of June. The first harvest date on this research occurred May 28, 2024, and the last harvest date June 4, 2024 (table 1). ‘CaroRes Delight’ yielded 34.6 kilograms per tree and produced on average 264.0 fruits per tree. The average seasonal fruit mass was 142.6 grams, while the largest fruit (153.8 grams) was produced May 31. Fruit length measured 64.9 millimeters, and the average width was 63.0 millimeters (figure 2). Fruit shape is round and the taste is acidic with a good flavor. ‘CaroRes Delight’ has approximately 90 percent blush color, and the fruit is attractive, clingstone, and nonmelting. Bacterial-spot tolerance is determined as medium (figure 3).

High pack-out volume, early season ripening, attractive blush color, excellent taste, consistent fruit size, good flesh firmness, and delightful eating quality are some of the most desirable attributes of ‘CaroRes Delight’.

Table 1. 2024 Yield and Fruit Quality Attributes of ‘CaroRes Delight’ Grown at the Chilton Research and Extension Center

Harvest DateYield/Tree (kg)Number of Fruit/TreeFruit Mass (g)Length (mm)Width (mm)Firmness 1 (kg/cm2)Firmness 2 (kg/cm2)Total Soluble Solids
May 284.838.0137.763.461.41.61.610.2
May 3119.3153.5153.867.
June 410.572.5136.
Season Total34.6264.0142.664.963.01.41.510.5