Discover Alabama Extension

One Resource. Many Solutions.

In a world full of information, how do you know whom to rely on for life’s everyday questions? For more than 100 years, Alabama residents have put their trust in the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Our educators are in an office near you, bringing practical ways to better Alabama homes, farms, people, and communities. We use research from Auburn University and Alabama A&M University to find practical solutions, provide opportunities, and empower people.

The influence of Alabama Extension can be seen throughout the state, from small towns to big cities. The people our educators reach hold a unique role in telling Extension’s story. Through these personal experiences, Discover Alabama Extension shares just how impactful Extension can be in the lives of Alabamians—just like you!

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Farm & Outdoors

A John Deere combine harvesting cotton.

Cotton Farmers

Like sweet tea and pecan pie, cotton is iconically Southern. Thanks to decades of research, the cotton industry has grown into a $2 billion industry in Alabama. But who are the people behind this research? Steve Brown and Scott Graham are two Alabama Extension specialists that work each day with farmers to improve their yields and increase their bottom lines. Discover more about the relationships they cultivate with Alabama farmers.

Keener Family

David and Amber Keener

After retiring from the United States Army, David Keener and his wife Amber wanted to raise their children on a farm where they could be responsible for a life other than their own. Because they are not Alabama natives, getting a farm started was a challenge. Thanks to Alabama Extension’s Operation Grow program, the Keeners were connected with resources and other veterans who were shifting from military to civilian life.

Jess Campbell

Poultry Farmers

Alabama’s poultry industry is big business, producing more than 20 million birds each week. So, how do these farmers keep their flocks thriving? Cue in the National Poultry Technology Center. Through this center, Alabama Extension and Auburn University professionals are dedicated to educating and training farmers on the latest industry technology. Discover more about the center’s hands-on approach to supporting Alabama poultry farmers.

More Impacts

♦ When Garrett Dixon started farming, it had been 15 years since anyone in his family had farmed the land that his ancestors worked since the 1860s. To get started back in the business, Dixon turned to his local Alabama Extension agents for their guidance and expertise. Read More

♦ After retiring and moving from Florida, Jackie Meggison looked for resources to help manage her own slice of Alabama. With support from the ForestHER program, she manages forests and other natural resources so wildlife and other people can appreciate the outdoors. Read More

♦ Adam Maggard never thought he would someday be one of Alabama’s best forest business minds. Today with Alabama Extension, he leads the Forest Business Resources Program, educating stakeholders and maximizing their forests’ potential. Read More

♦ Alabama Extension’s Small Ruminant Program provides best management practices for raising healthy goats and sheep. The program explores sustainable methods of silvopasture systems and the long-term effects of different grazing systems on the environment. Read More


Willie Mae Draper

Chris Underwood

Chris Underwood’s journey to Auburn University is a little different than most students. His path to Auburn was inspired by a unique classroom: the kitchen. Thanks to a partnership between Beautiful Rainbow Café and Alabama Extension, Underwood is soaring as a part of the EAGLES program.

Daivon Allen, the lead goat technician at Alabama A&M

Daivon Allen

Daivon Allen is lucky. With discipline and hard work, he is making his dreams come true. As a student at Alabama A&M University, Allen came to discover his passion for working with livestock thanks to Alabama Extension. Now, he is working to meet his long-term goals of being a veterinarian and serving his community.

Caymen Barron at an Alabama 4-H SAFE competition.

Caymen Barron

After two knee injuries halted Caymen Barron’s high-school baseball career, he turned to Alabama 4-H to find a new outlet for competition. Through the Shooting Awareness Fun Education (SAFE) program, this 4-H member from Talladega County didn’t just excel, he was crowned a national shooting sports champion.

More Impacts

♦ At 99 years old, Willie Mae Draper is a strong supporter of the Successful Aging Initiative Conference. What makes her attendance at the conference more special is that it was her own grandson that helped start the program. Read More

♦ Owning and operating Brittle Heaven & More is not something Sarah Deese imagined herself doing. However, when life threw her a few curveballs, she looked to her childhood memories and Alabama Extension to begin her brittle-making journey. Read More

♦ STEM careers are on the rise. 4-H STREAM aims to foster interest in and prepare young people for future success in these fields. The program uniquely blends reading skills with STEM education, equiping young people with critical thinking and core reading skills. Read More

♦ Live Well Alabama is revolutionizing nutrition education. This program, crafted by Extension’s SNAP-Ed team, is dedicated to reducing and preventing obesity by implementing nontraditional approaches to enhance the quality of life among SNAP-Ed participants. Read More

♦ Alabama Extension is committed to helping residents reduce their risks for chronic diseases one step at a time. Walking Like a CHAMPION is a campaign that uses a community atmosphere to encourage people to eat healthy and add physical activity to their daily routines. Read More

Home & Garden

Larry Kronk in the garden.

Larry Kronk

The Grow More, Give More project is changing the lives of Alabama senior citizens one container garden at a time. Thanks to people like Larry Kronk, an Alabama Master Gardener intern, the project is able to make lasting impacts across the state. Kronk works with the container garden at the Alabaster Senior Center. This garden yielded approximately 75 pounds of produce in the first year, providing both a sense of community and nutritious food for surrounding residents.

Penny Roy - Beekeeping

Penny Roy

Penny Roy is proud to be a beekeeper. As an elementary science teacher for 25 years, she found her way into beekeeping when a parent offered her several hives during a field day. However, when she started out, she didn’t know much about bees. Looking for help, she turned to Alabama Extension, where she met Urban Regional Extension Agent Allyson Shabel. Now retired from teaching, Roy is still turning to Extension expertise nine years later for help maintaining her apiary.

Booker Farm

J. D. Booker

After serving as a United States Marine and working 43 years for the Los Angeles Unified School District, J. D. Booker wanted to get away from the fast-paced urban life. That led him to buying land in Toney, Alabama, but he was unsure what to do with it. After contacting Alabama A&M University for guidance, he was referred to Alabama Extension. Many years later, Booker still works with Extension while on a mission to preserve and conserve natural resources.

More Impacts

♦ Thousands of residents rely on private water systems for their drinking water source. Through the Private Well Program, Extension empowers, engages, and equips well owners with resources to protect their home water systems. Read More

♦ Smart home landscape choices help stabilize soil, filter pollutants, save energy, support native species, and reduce harmful runoff. The Alabama Smart Yards program is your guide for managing beautiful landscapes that help preserve our state’s unique natural beauty. Read More

♦ By making connections with local partners, the Alabama Extension home grounds team uses the world of gardening to improve the lives of residents across the state. A great example of this work is found at the Town Creek Public Library in Lawrence County. Read More

♦ For a garden classroom to be successful, it must be grown and maintained correctly. STEM in the Garden is a program that strengthens a teacher’s knowledge in gardening and maximizing their school’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics capabilities. Read More


Jean Szabo

Crump Community Center

After getting into a state of disrepair, Jean Szabo and the Alabama Herb Society spent countless hours of work to return the Crump Community Center garden back to its former glory. However, the society’s work is not done. Heavy rains consistently move debris and pollutants across the property. To help with this problem, the group turned to Alabama Extension’s Alabama Watershed Stewards program. Now, the garden is anticipating an exciting addition of a rain garden.

Kwan Robinson standing in front of school lockers.

LAMP High School

To help her students prepare for their futures, Kwan Robinson is always looking for information that is useful to them. When looking for resources on student financial aid, she discovered Alabama Extension’s Alabama FAST program. Through classroom workshops and online resources, this program equips students, parents, and educators with the information they need to make informed decisions about applying for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

OnMed Health Station

Chambers County Community Health and Wellness Center

Like many former businesses in LaFayette, Alabama, the closing of the local hospital left a large void in the community. The best option residents had to access minor urgent care involved a 25 mile drive to a clinic or emergency room. However, thanks to Alabama Extension and its partners, affordable and accessible care is now available in the heart of town through an OnMed telehealth station. 

More Impacts

♦ When Antoinette Hamilton noticed that many of her SNAP-Ed students at Craighead Elementary School had trouble staying engaged, she sought out the reason. She discovered that many didn’t have or was sharing a bed and made it her mission to fix that problem. Read More

♦ Vaping is on the rise among Alabama’s young people. Escape Vapes is a suite of programs that bring awareness to the health risks associated with vaping. Through these programs, Alabama Extension educators strive to create healthier and safer communities. Read More

Alabama Extension is taking the spirit of the Jesup Agricultural Wagon and adding a modern twist. Through a STEM mobile labs and a nutrition mobile lab, Extension specialists and agents can roll into communities all over the state to educate audiences. Read More

♦ Access to healthier foods and safe, convenient means of physical activity can be a challenge in rural Alabama. Alabama Extension’s Thriving Communities works to empower community coalitions to lead the charge in creating more of these opportunities. Read More

“Meeting Christy Mendoza at the food entrepreneur conference truly did change my life. She was so excellent and such a pleasure to work with. If I hadn’t gone there, I don’t think Beautiful Rainbow Café would exist.”

Chip Rowan

Director, Beautiful Rainbow Café

“Alabama FAST provided a lot of information to help my students be successful beyond high school. That’s a lot of what I do here, so the program has helped me be a better teacher for my students.”

Kwan Robinson

English Teacher, LAMP High School

“I always knew I wanted to farm but wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it full-time. As a new full-time farmer, I’ve relied heavily on Extension expertise. Agents and specialists have continued to be sounding boards and strong supporters as my farm has grown.”

Garrett Dixon

Lee County Row Crop Farmer

Discover More About Alabama Extension