2 min read
Bermudagrass lawn

This commercial category includes pest control in maintenance and production of ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf. Applicators certified in OTPC cannot charge a fee for services (i.e. golf course employees, city maintenance employees, etc.).

The horticulture professional services licenses are issued to businesses that engage in ornamental and turf pest control (OTPS) and have a certified operator who has taken, passed, and submitted their commercial applicators license application with appropriate fees for the corresponding category(s). The cost of an annual horticulture professional services license is $175.

Exam Information

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control – Supervisor Exam

  • 50 questions
  • Cost: $75

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control – Custodial Exam

  • 50 questions
  • Cost: $75

Testing for these permits can be completed at the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) in Montgomery.

There is also a computer-based testing format that is available on a weekly basis at eight testing sites across Alabama. The cost for the online exam is $125 per exam. To sign up for the online exam, visit apply.adaitesting.com. Once approved, you will receive an approval email from the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries.

Required Study Materials

Alabama Extension


Requirements and Forms

Alabama Extension

ADAI – Certification and Testing

ADAI – Professional Services