1 min read
emergency food. Hispanic girl is holding a cardboard sign with 'Thank You!' written on the board. She and her family are in a soup kitchen or food bank. She is smiling at the camera. Her brown hair is in a braid. Volunteers are serving her family in the background. Focus is on the girl and the sign.

There is no greater immediate need than hunger. To fulfill this need with access to healthy foods, Live Well Alabama partners with emergency food assistance sites throughout Alabama.

These sites include after school feedings, emergency backpacks, food distribution programs, food pantries, and also summer feedings. A promotional change facilitated in these sites include point-of-distribution prompts, such as food demonstrations. Other promotional changes include family-friendly educational materials and recipes, to increase awareness of preparation and uses of healthy items provided at emergency food assistance sites.

In 2017, Live Well Alabama facilitated initiatives in 36 emergency food assistance sites in 28 Alabama counties reaching more than 3,250 residents.

  1. Policy changes improved serving times for summer meals to increase participation in summer feeding programs.
  2. Systems changes expanded public transportation routes to food pantries, adjusted donation rules at food pantries to allow and encourage fresh produce, and adjusted donation rules with backpack programs to encourage healthy foods.
  3. Environmental improvements increased shelf space for healthy foods and beverages; established, reinvigorated, or sustained edible gardens to increase availability of fresh produce at food pantries; and, in partnership with CDC ALProHealth, improved facilities for stocking fresh produce.
  4. Promotional efforts provided recipe demonstrations, tastings, and distribution prompts.


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Live Well Alabama logo. Blue text bubble with white letters.