1 min read
Japanese Beetle

Most insects are actually good bugs, but the bad ones give them a negative reputation. Of all the identified insects, less than 1% are major pests. These examples highlight a few insect pest species in Alabama.

Japanese Beetle

Popillia japonica

This beetle is a major pest of roses and other ornamentals. It aggressively feeds on plant foliage and blooms in the spring and summer.

Fall Armyworm

Spodoptera frugiperda

These caterpillars feed voraciously as they march across turf areas, eating green leaf tissue and leaving behind large areas of brown turf.

Green Stink Bug

Chinavia hilaris

These strong flying insects feed on immature cotton bolls. Severe feeding causes the plant to drop the boll reducing cotton production.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Halyomorpha halys

Stink bug feeding on a tomato resembles a yellow “starburst” on red fruit. It creates a small, shallow white spongy area under the starburst.

Plum Curculio

Conotrachelus nenuphar

Adults lay eggs on the fruit. The larvae then tunnel into the developing fruit making it inedible.

Black Turpentine Beetle

Dendroctonus terebrans

Largest native pine bark beetle that damages stressed pines by boring into the bark 2 to 10 feet above the ground.

Lucy Edwards, Regional Extension Agent, with Auburn University

New September 2021, Bad Bugs, ANR-2817

New September 2021, Bad Bugs Coloring Sheet, ANR-2818

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