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Maximum profits in row crop production depend on successful and accurate diagnosis of disease or insect damage. An accurate diagnosis can aid farmers in the implementation of an effective integrated pest management program. One important part of diagnosis is plant tissue samples to help identify issues and determine best management options.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System supports two plant diagnostic laboratories. One is at Auburn University; the other is located in Birmingham at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

The Plant Diagnostic Laboratory at Auburn University provides three services: plant problem diagnosis, soil nematode analysis, and insect identification. Plant problems sent to the lab include diseases, nematode injury, insect damage, chemical damage, environmental stress, horticultural and agronomic problems, or wildlife damage.

Plant samples at the Auburn University Plant Diagnostic Lab are initially examined by a plant pathologist. Some samples may then be referred to Extension specialists in entomology, agronomy, horticulture, or wildlife.

In addition to plant problem diagnosis, soil nematode analysis, and insect identification, plants are also received for identification. These plants are referred to agronomists and horticulturists who typically respond to the inquiries.


Download Submitting Samples for Diagnosis, Analysis and Identification, IPM-1294. 

IPM guides for other crops as well as a general IPM overview, safety recommendations and directions for submitting samples can be found at Integrated Pest Management Guides.


For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, contact Extension Communications and Marketing at 334-844-5696 or

The Organic Vegetable IPM Toolkit slide chart, a critical tool for small producers and beginning farmers, provides information about organic and sustainable pest management strategies for more than 20 critical insect pest species.

The tool includes the most common chewing and sucking insect pests and connects those to the best practices of prevention or exclusion. Insects that this tool covers include tomato fruitworm, grasshopper, cutworm, thrips, and many more. Farmers can view systems-based practices, mechanical and physical tactics, and which biorational insecticides will work best before outbreak status.

To order a slide chart, contact Ayanava Majumdar at You can also get a copy from any commercial horticulture regional Extension agent.

The Peach Insect and Disease Management Chart is a tool for peach orchard growers that need a quick carry-around resource to manage insects during certain tree cycles.

The tool includes the most common insect pests and connects those to the best practices of prevention. Insects that this tool covers include scale and European red mite, lesser peachtree borer, thrips, and many more. Farmers can slide the chart to view active ingredients that works best for each insect pest, and when and how to apply it.

To order a slide chart, contact Ayanava Majumdar at You can also get a copy from any commercial horticulture regional Extension agent.