1 min read
People in an office

Soft skills are defined as “the ability to communicate with each other and work well together.” These are important attributes that employers are looking for in their employees. Here are quick tips for understanding the importance of and improving these essential skills.

Empowered: Essential Soft Skills

Now you know the essential tools that are necessary in the workplace. These will not only help you get that job but also help you become a valuable member of your company and your team. Remember to put these skills into practice and always work on improving your soft skills and becoming more valuable to your employer.
According to the United States Department of Labor, “Employers want new workers to be responsible, ethical, and team oriented, and to possess strong communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. Wrap these skills up all together and you’ve got professionalism.”

  • Communication
  • Enthusiasm & Attitude
  • Teamwork
  • Problem Solving & Critical Thinking

Alabama Extension provides educational opportunities to help empower the residents of our state. The Financial Resource Management and Workforce Development Human Sciences team provides research-based educational opportunities across the state.

  • Financial Literacy Workshops: budgeting, credit, identity theft and scams, savings, and banking
  • Job Search Preparation: career choice, resume writing, and interview skills
  • Soft Skills Training: communication, enthusiasm & attitude, teamwork, and problem-solving and critical thinking
  • For more information about educational opportunities, email aceshse@auburn.edu or call (334) 844-7560.


Peer ReviewEmily Hines, Human Sciences Regional Extension Agent, Financial Resource Management and Workforce Development, Auburn University

New November 2021, Soft Skills: Tips and Tools for Your Job Search and Your Job, FCS-2601

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