2 min read
Colleagues standing in a small group discussing something while laughing. Two of the women are holding notebooks.

Enthusiasm and attitude play a significant role in getting and keeping a job. Understanding the effects and impact that these have in the workplace is important.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines enthusiasm as “a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and eagerness to be involved in it,” and attitude as “a feeling or opinion about something.” According to the United States Department of Labor, “Enthusiasm can mean the difference in not just getting a job but succeeding in a job and even advancing in your career.”

Following are 10 tips for demonstrating enthusiasm and a positive attitude in the workplace.

1. Communicate Positively

  • Review the “10 Tips for Communication in the Workplace,” FCS-2602 on the Alabama Extension website.
  • Nonverbal communication
    • Smile when interacting with others.
    • Sit up straight.
    • Practice direct eye contact.
    • Be mindful of facial expressions.
  • Verbal communication
    • Be upbeat.
    • Speak positively of experiences.
    • Refrain from using negative words.

2. Have a Positive Outlook

  • Maintain a positive mindset.
  • Learn from struggles.
  • Never give up.
  • Voice positivity.

3. Consider Different Perspectives

  • Be willing to listen to others.
  • Consider different points of view.
  • Realize others may have the answers.
  • Welcome different ideas and opinions.

4. Commit to the Job

  • Demonstrate a willingness to work hard.
  • Be a team player.
  • Find ways to stay motivated to reach your goal.
  • Look for new ways to bring your best self to the job.

5. Help Produce a Positive Culture

  • Respect others.
  • Encourage colleagues.
  • Serve as a motivator.

6. Help Others

  • Teach new employees.
  • Offer guidance to colleagues.
  • Volunteer to fill a need.
  • Be willing to go above and beyond.

7. Spark Innovative Ideas

  • Explore new and exciting ideas.
  • Research the latest trends.
  • Think outside the box and find unconventional approaches.
  • Conduct team brainstorming sessions.

8. Appeal to Passions

  • Identify your passion.
  • Identify coworkers’ passions.
  • Use passions to increase productivity.
  • Offer ownership to team members

9. Celebrate Accomplishments

  • Acknowledge the accomplishments of others.
  • Celebrate the success of others.
  • Root for each other.
  • Encourage others.

10. Have Fun

  • Participate in team-building exercises.
  • Encourage creativity.
  • Join office social gatherings and friendly competitive competitions.
  • Incorporate mindfulness activities such as yoga or meditation

The ways we interact with others in the workplace can influence the workplace environment. Our attitude and enthusiasm can change the workplace environment and affect the workday. Production will increase if the workplace environment is positive. A negative attitude can cause a decrease in the effectiveness and productivity of employees.

Your attitude and enthusiasm also play a role in whether you get a job. A positive and enthusiastic attitude will get you further with prospective employers and increase your interview success. Keep these 10 tips on enthusiasm and attitude as reminders to maintain a positive attitude, demonstrate enthusiasm, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Alabama Extension provides educational opportunities to help empower the residents of our state. The Financial Resource Management and Workforce Development Human Sciences team provides research- based educational classes on soft skills, job search preparation, and financial literacy. Contact your
county Extension office for more information on these educational opportunities or visit www.aces.edu. Information can also be requested at aceshse@auburn. edu or (334) 844-7560.


Peer ReviewEmily Hines, Human Sciences Regional Extension Agent, Financial Resource Management and Workforce Development, Auburn University

New November 2021, 10 Tips for Enthusiasm & Attitude in the Workplace, FCS-2603