1 min read
Image of training manuals, green gloves, face mask and other documents.

Worker Protection Standard Kits are available for on-site training purposes. WPS training can be conducted by individuals with a private or commercial license or those that are certified at a Train the Trainer event. The WPS Kit will include the following items:

  • Pack of Unlined Nitrile Gloves (instructions included)
  • 3M Particulate Respirator N95 (instructions included)
  • Disposable Apron
  • WPS “How to Comply” Manual
  • WPS Respiratory Protection Guide
  • WPS Handbook for Agricultural Employers
  • WPS Flash drive (instructions included)
  • Protect Yourself from Pesticides Poster (11×17)
  • Criteria for WPS Materials
  • Field Records Handbook

The purpose of this kit is to provide all the necessary educational tools to assist producers, nursery owners, foresters, and other applicators with training their workers and handlers. The respirator, apron, and nitrile gloves are included as gift items. If you have any questions or concerns contact our office at 334-844-8832.

To purchase these kits, visit the Alabama Extension Store.The WPS kit is also offered with a bucket as seen below. People can also order the WPS kit with a bucket at the Alabama Extension Store.

Worker Protection Standard Kit with a Bucket

Worker Protection Standard Kit with a Bucket