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Alabama 4-H; club member on ladder

Alabama 4-H provides a place for young people to explore their interests and passions and find their spark. Our programs follow youth program quality principles with a focus on youths belonging. We foster developmental relationships with adults who are caring, challenge growth, and share power.


Growing Alabama’s Future


Alabama 4-H seeks to empower youths with the skills to lead our communities, our state, our nation, and our world.

4-H’s Promise to Alabama Youths

Alabama 4-H will reflect the population demographics, vulnerable populations, diverse needs, and social conditions of the state.

4-H Emblem

The national 4-H Club emblem is a four-leaf clover. The clover is a symbol of achievement and good luck.

Four Hs Stand for

Head, Heart, Hands, and Health

4-H Club Motto

To Make The Best Better

4-H Pledge

I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world!