1 min read
Benefits of Mother breastfeeding baby in living room

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for most infants. It can also reduce the risk for certain health conditions for both infants and mothers. Breastfeeding is an investment in health, not just a lifestyle decision.


Breastfeeding is a health benefit for moms. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding families are sick less often and the parents miss less work. Mothers who breastfeed recover from childbirth more quickly and easily. Breastfeeding can also help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer for mothers. Other breastfeeding benefits for moms and babies include the following:

  • Lifesaving. According to The Journal of Pediatrics, if 90% of families breastfed exclusively for six months, nearly 1,000 infant deaths could be prevented each year.
  • Infant health. Research shows breastfed babies have a lower risk of illness, including asthma, ear infections, diabetes, and respiratory problems.
  • Environmentally friendly. Formula cans and bottles create waste. Breastmilk arrives package-free and warm.
  • Colostrum. Often referred to as liquid gold for its deep yellow color, colostrum is the thick first milk that you make during pregnancy and just after birth. It is quite rich in both nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby from infection.
  • Weight loss? Many breastfeeding women seem to get back to their prepregnancy weight more quickly, but experts are still looking into the effects.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System human sciences team seeks to empower moms with positive knowledge, encourage them to breastfeed, and support them in their breastfeeding journey. Find Extension resources on breastfeeding at www.aces.edu/blog/tag/breastfeeding/.