2 min read
father and mother teaching daughter and helping with homework at home

It is time for a routine check up! This year, back-to-school success may require forward thinking regarding managing stress. Research shows excessive stress can cause increased psychological and physical problems, which can negatively impact academic achievement. Establishing regular routines can provide a foundation for a healthier, more productive student as well as overall success. The following are suggestions for stress-free routines that make the grade:

Homework and Studying

Establishing a framework for homework and studying is integral to academic success. To create an effective routine and environment, consider the following:

  • Set up or identify a quiet, well-lighted workspace
  • Create a schedule or designate adequate homework time after school
  • Incorporate periodic breaks to eliminate mental and physical fatigue
  • Set aside electronic devices

Family Meals

Research studies reveal that children who enjoy regular meals with their families are more likely to achieve higher grades as well as avoid drug abuse and eating disorders. Simple or fancy, family meals offer members an opportunity to unplug and engage. During mealtime, informal conversations can become the main course, allowing the family to connect and learn more about daily happenings and interests. If busy schedules create a challenge, establishing an evening family snack time where everyone can review their days with each other before bedtime can be just as meaningful. The meat of it lies within discovering what works best for all family members and turning it into a routine.

Morning Checklist

School mornings can be hectic, especially at the beginning of the school year. Simplifying tasks can be as easy as creating a checklist for the morning routine. Items might include the following:

  • Brushing hair and teeth
  • Wash face
  • Get dressed
  • Eat breakfast
  • Grab lunch and devices
  • Double-check backpack
  • Use the bathroom

Sometimes kids–due to reasons such as school anxiety–require more motivation to get through their morning routines. Incentives may be considered in these instances to keep mornings from becoming a battle.  It could also result in facilitating better focus, learning, and mood.

More Information

Collaborative planning and a gradual adoption of routines can help ensure their success. Start a routine conversation today to ease school-year stress and position your child for academic success!