1 min read
Asian mother and daughter make healthy vegetable sandwiches together in their kitchen

Using family quality time to teach and model healthy eating with the children is a great use of time together. Eating together during snacks and meals helps model healthy eating behaviors, and is a great time to share and connect with the family.

Children are more likely to eat meals that they helped to prepare. Children can assist with things like washing fruits and vegetables, stirring mixes on the counter, and measuring ingredients. Older children can do tasks such as chop fruits and vegetables, stir sauces on the stovetop, and help put things in and out of the oven. Also, children should be encouraged to drink water most of the day, instead of juices and sodas.



Watch the Spanish version of the video here.


The content below reflects the text graphics contained in the video:

  • Quality time can lead to healthy eating habits.
  • Kids eat vegetables if they can help prepare them.
  • Limit sugary drinks, encourage drinking more water.
  • Model healthy snacking for the kids.
  • Eat meals together as a family.
  • You got time, use it to develop healthy eating habits!



This material was funded by the USDA’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program – EFNEP. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.