1 min read
Commercial Horticulture Team member Chip East talking with growers

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System commercial horticulture team provides research-based information to nurseries, landscape companies, sod producers, and fruit and vegetable growers with conventional or organic production systems. This is done through items such as regional meetings, advanced workshops, grower conferences and exhibitions, field demonstrations, monthly webinars, and social media.

Value Statement

We strive to improve the lives of Alabamians by helping commercial producers achieve economic, environmental, social, and health sustainability through science-based resources and programs.

A number of traditional handbooks and digital media are also available for producers and landscape personnel. The commercial horticulture team offers the Farming Basics certification program for small retailers and plant, soil, and pest diagnostic services for new or beginning farmers.

Team Objectives

The commercial horticulture team conducts programs that are responsive, commodity-specific, and planned at the grassroots level. Team objectives include the following:

  1. Provide programing to commercial producers through agriculture innovations and research-based solutions.
  2. Prevent catastrophic crop failure via rapid response to critical needs.
  3. Network with collaborators to grow/support the commercial horticulture industry.


Commercial Horticulture Team

Name TitleSpeciality Area(s)
Team Coordinator
William "Chip" EastRegional Extension Agent
Program Assistants
Harli WillisProgram AssistantOperation Grow for Beginning Veteran Farmers
Elina ConevaProfessor and Extension SpecialistFruit Production
Kassie ConnerExtension SpecialistPlant Diagnostics
Paulo Gimenez CremonezAssistant Professor and Extension SpecialistEntomology and Plant Pathology
David HanExtension Specialist and Associate Professor of Crop, Soil, and Environmental SciencesTurfgrass
Xing Ping HuExtension Specialist and Professor of Entomology and Plant PathologyUrban Entomology
James JacobiExtension SpecialistPlant Diagnostics (Birmingham)
Steve LiExtension Specialist and Assistant Professor of Crop, Soil, and Environmental SciencesWeed Control
Jeremy PickensAssistant Extension Professor of HorticultureCommercial Greenhouse and Nursery
Rishi PrasadExtension Specialist and Assistant Professor of Crop, Soil, and Environmental SciencesSoil Nutrient Management
Adam RabinowitzAssistant Professor and Extension Specialist of Agricultural Economics and Rural SociologyExtension Economist and Production Economics and Policy
Camila RodriguesExtension Specialist and Assistant Professor of HorticultureCommercial Horticulture
Wendiam SawadgoAssistant Professor and Extension Economist of Agricultural Economics and Rural SociologyExtension Economist and Marketing
Meredith ShraderExtension Insect DiagnosticianEntomology and Plant Pathology
Edward SikoraExtension Specialist and Professor of Entomology and Plant PathologyPlant Pathologist
Andre da SilvaExtension Specialist and Assistant Professor of HorticultureHorticulture
Amanda Strayer-SchererAssistant Professor and Extension Plant Patholog of Entomology and Plant PathologyPlant Pathologist
Sonja ThomasExtension SpecialistPesticide Safety Education
Edgar VinsonAssistant Extension Professor of HorticultureFruit Production
Regional Extension Agents
Holt Akers-CampbellNorthwest SET (1) (Counties: Colbert, Fayette, Franklin, Lamar, Lauderdale, Limestone, Lawrence, Marion, Morgan, Walker, and Winston)
VacantNortheast SET (2) (Counties: Blount, Cherokee, Cullman, DeKalb, Etowah, Jackson, Maddison, and Marshall)
Olivia FullerWest Central SET (3) (Counties: Choctaw, Dallas, Greene, Hale, Marengo, Perry, Pickens, Sumter, Tuscaloosa, and Wilcox)
VacantWest Central SET (3) (Counties: Choctaw, Dallas, Greene, Hale, Marengo, Perry, Pickens, Sumter, Tuscaloosa, and Wilcox)
David LawrenceCentral SET (4) (Counties: Autauga, Bibb, Chilton, Elmore, Jefferson, Lowndes, Montgomery, Shelby, and St. Clair)
Bethany O'RearCentral SET (4) (Counties: Autauga, Bibb, Chilton, Elmore, Jefferson, Lowndes, Montgomery, Shelby, and St. Clair)
William "Chip" EastEast Central SET (5) (Counties: Calhoun, Chambers, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Lee, Macon, Randolph, Russell, Talladega, and Tallapoosa)
Jacob KelleySouthwest SET (6) (Counties: Baldwin, Butler, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, and Washington)
Rebecca CatalenaSouthwest SET (6) (Counties: Baldwin, Butler, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, and Washington)Food Safety and Quality
Neil KellySoutheast SET (7) (Counties: Barbour, Bullock, Coffee, Crenshaw, Covington, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, and Pike)
Calen Monroe Southeast SET (7) (Counties: Barbour, Bullock, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, and Pike)Farm and Agribusiness Management

Other Resources


Alabama Extension commercial horticulture programming is supported by grants from USDA-NIFA BFRD, SARE Research and Education/PDP, CPPM/EIP, OREI, and ADAI Specialty Crops Block Grants.