1 min read
Spring greens

*This recipe is an excerpt from Fresh from the Farm Alabama Recipes, FCS-2112.

We hope you enjoy Lean’s Kitchen Greens!

This recipe and more from farmers around the state are also available in Extension publication FCS-2112, Fresh from the Farm Alabama Recipes, a great place to find new ways to use an abundance of fresh produce. The most important thing to remember when trying these recipes, which are farmer favorites, is to buy fresh and buy local. Support our farmers and support our communities.

Deep South Food Alliance, Marengo County


  • *2 pounds collards cut off the stalk and chopped
  • 3 slices salted pork or ham hock
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Red pepper to taste


Fry salted pork in vegetable oil. Wash collards. Cook collards and pork in large pot on medium heat until tender (40 minutes to an hour). Add salt, sugar, and red pepper.

*Greens can become very tough in the heat of summer, but are more tender after the first frost. In the summer, use only the tender leaves. After frost, more of the stalk an be used. Cooking times vary depending on the time of year—summer greens need to be cooked longer to achieve
desired tenderness.

Sweet Grown Alabama

Kristin Woods, Regional Extension Agent, Food Safety, Preparation, and Preservation

Reviewed July 2022, Lean’s Kitchen Greens, FCS-2151

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