2 min read
roasted goat leg

The start of a calendar year brings a flood of fresh habits and resolutions. People are focused on going to the gym more, drinking more water, hitting business goals, and fully embracing the “new year, new me” mentality. But what if people considered a “new year, new meat” goal as well? Why not try goat meat as an alternative?

goat ribs

Gule Balungan Kambing Madura is a savory Indonesian dish featuring goat ribs stewed in a fragrant and flavorful curry-like broth. Food Photography.

Meat Alternative

Goat meat is a great addition to a diet when someone wants to add variety to the typical pantry staples, such as beef, chicken, and fish. Goat meat is a main course in many ethnic groups. However, many households in the United States have yet to discover the nutritional benefits goat meat offers.

For example, goat meat is lower in calories, cholesterol, and fat compared to its more common counterparts. A 3½ ounce serving of cooked, roasted goat meat provides 143 calories, 27 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat, 3.7 milligrams of iron, 86 milligrams of sodium, and 75 milligrams of cholesterol (USDA, 2023). Goat meat is a great choice to consider when searching for lean, nutrient-dense sources of protein.

Preparing Goat Meat

Primary cuts of goat meat include the ribs, loins, leg, and hind shank. Cuts from the rib, loin, and leg areas are best when grilled or fried. Shanks or drumsticks from the hind shank region are versatile. For example, goat meat can also be braised, roasted, or used in stews to combat toughness.

Younger goats provide more tender meat and milder flavor. Meat from older goats is still quite appealing when using marinades and slow-cooking methods. Goat meat pairs nicely with garlic-infused, spicy, or acidic marinades. Common dishes include curries, roasts, stews, ribs, and burgers.

Like all fresh meats, goat meat must be cooked to reach minimum internal temperature guidelines provided by the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. Ground goat meat should beMeat thermometer cooked to reach 160⁰F (71.1⁰C). All goat steaks, chops, and roasts should reach a minimum internal temperature of 145⁰F (62.8⁰C). Be sure to rest meat for at least three minutes before carving and consuming.

Where to Find Goat Meat

Those who are interested in cooking and tasting goat meat are encouraged to visit local butcher shops and direct-to-consumer producers to source quality cuts. For more information on sourcing and consuming goat meat, please contact your local Extension office.