3 min read
A young boy taking a picture with a camera of a mushroom.

2024–2025 Theme: People

What You Will Do

  • Show off your creativity.
  • Share your ability in selecting and arranging subjects.
  • Find what is interesting or unusual in your community, your school, or your home.

What You Will Learn

  • Basics of good photography.
  • How to recognize good photographic composition and techniques.
  • Personal preferences and choices.
  • Skills that will be useful in a variety of careers.

Levels of Competition

Junior Level I: 9 to 11 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year (compete only at local and regional levels).

Intermediate: 12 to 13 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year (compete only at local and regional levels).

Senior Level I: 14 to 15 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year.

Senior Level II: 16 to 18 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year.

Refer to Alabama 4-H Competitive Events on the Alabama Extension website (www.aces.edu) to review the Competitive Events General Policy and the Age & Eligibility Chart.

Identification of Entry

Name, county, and level of participation should be displayed with each entry. An introduction at the beginning of your time would be appropriate.


  1. This is an individual event. Teams are not appropriate.
  2. Photos may be color, sepia, or black-and-white.
  3. Finished prints must be 5″ x 7″ or larger. They may be no larger than 18″ x 18″.
  4. Do not submit photos in frames or with cutout mat boards.
  5. Photos should be simply mounted flat on plain white or black poster board or foam board. Maximum mount board size is 20″ x 20″.
  6. Do not include titles or other information on the front of the mount board.
  7. One photo is allowed per entrant.
  8. Photos must have been taken by the youth submitting the entry.
  9. Photos must have been taken during the current Alabama 4-H year.
  10. Photos will be laid flat on a table for judging. No easels or props may be used.
  11. You must accompany your photograph to the competition. Be ready to talk about your work.
  12. The World I See and The World I Imagine are separate events. Rules regarding entering only one event apply.

Disqualification of Entry

  • Photos are in frames and/or matted.
  • Photos are not within the specified dimensions.
  • Senior Level 4-H member not submitting a community service report.

Community Service

Telling a great story, showcasing projects at a community library, speaking at a local nursing home, or organizing a community cooking or building blocks workshop are great opportunities to serve others. Serving others helps you build academic skills, learn civic responsibility, and develop leadership. It may also give you a good opportunity to meet new people, publicize 4-H, and practice your communication skills. Alabama 4-H is now requiring all Senior Level 4-H members to add a community service component to all 4-H Competitive Events. Each Senior Level 4-H member will have to complete the 4-H Community Service Report as a part of his or her project. 4-H members will be disqualified if the community service report is not included.

You must decide what service you can provide and not have a parent or 4-H leader make this decision for you. Groups of young people are encouraged to work together to discover how they can serve their community.

Career Connections

Photography is a great hobby that you can use all of your life. Skills that are developed through this project have direct connections to many exciting and rewarding careers. These include photojournalism, corporate communications, news photography, portrait photography, wedding and event photography, web-based design, fine art, photo and art therapy, advertising, fashion photography, graphic design, illustration, teaching, and industrial photography.

Score Sheet

View the score sheet for The World I See in the corresponding PDF download below.


Joy ScottExtension Specialist, 4-H and Youth Development, Auburn University.

Revised July 2024, The World I See, 4HYD-2241-R

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