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Alabama 4-H WHEP; bird on log

The Alabama Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) is designed to teach youth about native wildlife species: what they eat, where they live, and how to manage terrestrial and aquatic environments to meet their needs. Youth ages 9 to 18 are eligible to participate in WHEP through independent study or a local club. In addition to learning natural resource management, youth benefit from developing life skills and meeting other young people and professionals who have interests in natural resources.

The information in this manual may be used to teach concepts of wildlife management and to prepare youth participants for the annual statewide WHEP competitive event. By learning how to identify species, vegetation types, and quality habitat, we build the foundation for problem solving and everyday decision making in the wildlife management field.

Before making recommendations about wildlife management, it is important to know all possible information about the life requirements of the species for which the area is being managed. We provide basic information related to wildlife ecology and the life requirements (food, water, cover, shelter) of various wildlife species in the introductory sections of this manual.

Wildlife managers must be able to inventory and evaluate the present condition of habitat (i.e., vegetation types that provide the necessary food, cover, and shelter for a species) at a particular site, and then be able to explain the condition to landowners and other interested individuals. Once the inventory is complete, a decision must be made as to how to manage the environment to improve the condition. We define and detail relevant management practices in this manual that can be implemented to improve the habitat for certain wildlife species.

The on-site management recommendation activity (aka Wildlife Management Practices) provides experience with this decision-making process. Finally, the written management plan activities enable participants to explain and illustrate management decisions.

Youth who participate in Alabama WHEP are equipped with the knowledge and skills to pursue natural resources career pathways, engage in citizen science, and act as stewards of the environment. Participants are divided into two age divisions- Junior (ages 9 to 13) and Senior (ages 14 to 18). Senior level participants may be eligible to participate in WHEP at the national level.

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To read the full version of this publication, download a PDF of Alabama Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) State Manual & Study Guide, 4HYD-2415.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator, employer, and provider. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact Emily Nichols at ekn0001@aces.edu.


Emily NicholsExtension Specialist, Alabama 4-H, Auburn University

Revised July 2024, Alabama Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) State Manual & Study Guide, 4HYD-2415