1 min read

In Tuscaloosa County, Urban Regional Extension Agent Walter Piecznski implemented a sheep meat production and tasting program with members of the Tuscaloosa County 4-H Livestock Club. The club included six students and five parents. The program began with a PowerPoint presentation that focused on raising small ruminants, including digesting forages, growth and production, and aging and grading meat.

Meat Sampling

After the presentation, two racks of lamb were cooked and sampled. None of the students had tried lamb before and were able to learn more about preparing and cooking lamb meat. The lamb was placed in a sous-vide bag with some homemade stock, rosemary, garlic, bacon, salt, and pepper.

After reaching an internal temperature of 130°F, the lamb was then seared over a ripping hot charcoal grill. While the charcoal was heating up, a pan of sauce was made from the juices in the sous-vide bag and cold butter. The participants said they enjoyed the experience.